Women need to feel connected in order to thrive. We need to hear each other’s stories, receive validation and support as we navigate life’s challenges, setbacks and losses. This group is a live session where participants will get to share openly what they are dealing with in a safe space free from judgment. It is not about solving each other’s problems but more about being heard, validated and supported.
A trained counsellor will lead this session. Groups can provide a safe space. You can learn from others who have similar struggles. Group therapy can give you a voice, offer a sounding board, promote social skills and help you grow. This session is for you if you are dealing with grief, loss, and or healing from past trauma. All sessions are live and strictly confidential.
This session will be run by a clinical nutritionist and will shed light on how to optimize general wellbeing. Depending on live participants the sessions may touch on weight loss and weight gain, mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, panic attacks and OCD. Pre-conception and pregnancy and women’s health such as PMS, period pain, irregular periods and menopause. The lens of health and nutrition is one of the pillar foundations for self care and wellbeing. These sessions will highlight the benefits a clinical nutritionist can provide when you book a one on one session which provides detailed and customized advice based on your personal health circumstances.
A journalling enthusiast will facilitate a live journalling implementation session. There will be an opportunity to connect with other participants before and after for sharing and support. Journaling is beneficial for telling your story and uncovering what is true for you. It can help with goal achievement, self-confidence, tracking your progress, inspiration, creativity and reducing stress and anxiety. Developing habits of regular journaling can be life changing and facilitate self coaching and empowerment.
Our relationship with money can be a source of great shame and embarrassment. Taking a deep dive look at your money beliefs including where they came from and how they have shaped our behaviors in a safe space, is the start of liberating yourself from unhelpful money patterns. Overcome scarcity and step into a more empowering relationship with money. Money is also linked with our self worth and values. The money mindset healing journey unlocks our potential and fuels our hope around becoming who we want to be.
Do you write as a vehicle for healing? Poetry and writing including letters and or journalling is a great way of releasing pain, regret, anger and or upset. Often these poems and letters are the most heartfelt writing and the least shared because they are so personal. These sessions are an opportunity to read your work in a safe space as part of your healing journey. Bring along your most private work and experience what it feels like to have a supportive group witness your pain and trauma and validate your courage, resilience, bravery and dedication to healing.
The double shift of working all day and then coming home and working all night caring for children and families can take a huge toll on your health, energy, relationships and vitality. It is a real struggle working mums go through. Connect and share with other working mums. Offload some of the burden by being heard and validated. Share tips and ideas which may just make all of the difference.
Single mother statistics reveal that according to the 2021 U.S Census Bureau, out of about 11 million single parent families with children under the age of 18, nearly 80 percent were headed by single mothers. Women raising children on their own are the most remarkable, resilient, capable, resourceful and largely unacknowledged group of people in our society. Facing the relentless double shift with little reprieve can be lonely, and isolating. THis support group is designed to connect you with peers. As in the working mums support group connect and share with other single mums. Offload some of the burden by being heard and validated. Share tips and ideas which may just make all of the difference.
This social support group is for members of the LGBTIQ community. Come together, share, connect and celebrate. Share your story, experience a sense of belonging, brainstorm challenges and share wins.
Thankfully neurodiversity awareness is becoming mainstream. This group is designed to provide coaching and social support to members of our community identifying as having Autism. Share your story, experience a sense of belonging, brainstorm challenges and share wins.
Thankfully neurodiversity awareness is becoming mainstream. This group is designed to provide coaching and social support to members of our community identifying as having ADHD. Share your story, experience a sense of belonging, brainstorm challenges and share wins.
If you are consistently under achieving, a good strategy is to focus on healing some aspect of your past. Healing work is ongoing until you are able to process your past and turn it into wisdom and personal triumph. To release under achievement is a journey which starts with being willing. It is often uncomfortable and involves letting go of old beliefs and trapped trauma and emotion. Our comfort zone wants to keep us stuck and our saboteurs fight for control. This session will focus on uncovering what beliefs and emotions are keeping us stuck, how these manifest as limiting behaviors such as a fear of saying no, giving away too much and poor boundaries. There may also be a missing piece which impacts low self esteem, requiring further self exploration. This session is a deep dive into tools, steps and strategies for growing your self worth. Our goal through this work is to create healing pathways for moving forward in the areas of our choosing.
An art therapist will guide you in this group session to give voice to experiences and feelings not easily expressed through words. Art therapy facilitates relaxation and de-stressing. It can help you develop self awareness and self esteem, work on social skills, manage behaviors and or symptoms and or solve problems by looking at things through the lens of your creativity.
There are many benefits of meditation such as easing anxiety and depression, helping with self confidence, reducing stress, improving sleep, brain health, curbing addictions, easing pain and controlling food cravings, plus more. This session will be led by an experienced meditation teacher and is an opportunity to learn and practise within the session.
Working on the front line with vulnerable people is not easy and takes a lot of dedication and commitment. Dealing with stories and situations of adversity can be emotionally draining and eventually take its toll. Nurses, social workers, counsellors, support workers, psychologists, police, property managers and many more customer service and service providers face this challenge day in and day out. How to take care of self whilst making a difference. This support group is a place to share your challenges and wins when it comes to juggling work life balance, mental health and stress.
Carers are a special group of people. You dedicate your lives to caring for loved ones such as children with special needs, intellectual disabilities, sick or ageing parents, dying family members or those facing mental health challenges. You face stress and uncertainty on a day to day basis often including financially. This social support group is a place to share your journey with other carers. Come along and share tips and tricks, wins, highs and lows. Just knowing you are not alone, is a huge help.
Emotional freedom techniques (EFT) is an alternative treatment for physical and emotional pain. Other names for it are tapping and psychological acupressure. Tapping can provide a balance in your energy system and treat pain. It is a great tool for self healing and emotional regulation. This will be a live guided tapping session based on challenges relevant to participants.
Receive divine messages through tarot and oracle readings, providing practical spiritual wisdom to help you make empowered decisions for your life. Participants will be asked what you would like from the session after which a brief reading will proceed. This is an opportunity to receive clarity or confirmation on a current issue you are experiencing.