
Career Coaching

This session will strategise and problem-solve your next career move or challenge. What are you looking for: A more fulfilling job, more pay, more flexibility, a promotion, or to start your own business. Depending on the needs of live participants these sessions will delve into unfulfilled desires, fears, obstacles and challenges. The outcomes will always be the creation of action plans, strategies and motivation to take your next step in creating your dream career, ideal life, remuneration and schedule.

Mindset Coaching

What are you telling yourself that is holding you back? Who are you? What are your top saboteurs? What makes you tick? What are you afraid of? These live sessions run by differenct experts with different specialties are designed to help you feel great, gain clariy and move forward with self love and inspiration. It all starts with a thought, leads to an emotion, a belief and impacts our ability to take action and create change. When you find out that you are not alone, that other women share the same mental anguish and limiting thoughts it is very empowering and freeing. Together we can support each other to break free and build empowering neural pathways supporting who we want to be and who we are capable of becoming.

Leadership Through Leading Events - Coming soon

A great way to advance your visibility is through leading an event. It can be for your business, organization, community or a charity you are passionate about. This session will be a live implementation session where you get to envision the impact you wish to create through your event. You will be given the space to overcome fears, obstacles, learn new skills and create step by step action plans for bringing your idea into reality. Signing up for organizing and leading an event is a great way to fast track your confidence, leadership, marketing, enrollment skills and above all helps you to become known and visible.

Stepping Into Leadership

This live group session will focus on helping you develop leadership skills. You may be asked to share what skill you feel you need to develop. Depending on live participants’ priorities, it could cover skills such as empathy, vulnerability, communication, problem solving, negotiation, decision-making, creativity, integrity, emotional intelligence, confidence, organization, delegation, active listening, flexibility, accountability, self awareness, conflict resolution, motivation and trust. The best way to improve is by learning, doing and practicing. Role plays are a great way to overcome fears and break the ice. These sessions are your opportunity to be vulnerable and will help you learn and practice your skills in a safe space. and grow.

Speaking Confidently in Groups - Looking for expert contributor

This is a foundational skill for women who wish to speak out in meetings, speak on camera and deliver effective presentations. Fear of being judged or saying the wrong thing affects so many women's ability to contribute and have a voice. These live sessions are about developing your confidence and giving you a "speaking in pubic tool kit" to enable you to be heard and enjoy the process. These sessions are run by a professional public speaking and communication coach and provide a safe space for women to voice their fears and learn with professional guidance.

Business Coaching: Grow Your Business

These live group sessions are run by experienced business coaches. Bring your business dreams, ideas, goals, challenges and next steps to the session. Get the help you need to succeed in your business. You are also welcome if you are thinking of starting a business, are new to business and marketing and lack skills and strategies. When you hear first hand from experienced entrepreneurs and other women in business, you not only learn but fast track your momentum and drive to be successful. Business can be a lonely journey. Break isolation and become unstoppable.

Working Bee Implementation Session

Come along and get some of your pressing deadlines completed during the session. You may or may not be isolated or stuck, regardless, this session will facilitate your unstoppability. If you are stuck, Birgitta will help you move the needle. Everyone will share what they are working on at the start with an update during and at the end.

Financial Capacity - Looking for a contributor

Financial capacity is one of the stepping stones towards becoming an empowered woman. Controlling money and being financially self reliant is a skill set that all women can learn and improve. What is your next step in becoming financially literate and financially empowered? Explore this topic through sharing with women in a group setting. Your financial literacy facilitator will guide, educate and support you to implement best practices in money management. Money is one of the prerequisites for thriving.

Personal Branding Skills

Personal branding group coaching will help you take ownership of what makes you brilliant and uniquene. Develop skills and unlock your personal potential. As women, we are not taught how to sell ourselves. In fact we are encouraged to shy away from self promotion. There can be a lot of shame and fear associated with self promotion. These sessions will give you an opportunity to explore and practise in a safe space clarifying and articulating your values, what you are passionate about, your contribution and legacy. Leadership, women’s empowerment and success and intrinsically linked with how you position yourself as a personal brand.

Women in Business Networking

This group is designed to meet other women in business within the She Simply Impacts community. Learn about each other’s business. Form collaborations. Make new business friends. Gain support and potentially attract leads, prospects and referrals into your business. As well, this group is designed to help you learn effective networking strategies and skills. Women are often daunted by networking, particularly introverts. Even extroverts need help around how to have strategic conversations which lead to a return on investment and not just a great conversation. Our skilled networking coach will create a safe space to add value regardless of where you are on your networking journey.

Women outnumbered at work

Are you a woman working as a minority in a male dominated industry and or outnumbered at your workplace or on your board. This group coaching event is designed to provide connection with like minded women. Share your story, experience a sense of belonging, brainstorm challenges and share wins.

Build your Confidence and Live Outside Your Comfort Zone

A lack of confidence impacts our ability to take action on our dreams and goals. Confidence issues are so sneaky that often we don’t realize they are holding us back. Living a more fulfilled life includes moving out of our comfort zone and taking calculated risks and facing potential rejection. Action is the antidote to lack of confidence. This session is designed to motivate you to take action steps, despite your lack of confidence. Action is often all it takes to unblock a confidence barrier. If you are ready to act now, risk rejection or failure, this session is for you.

Sales and Negotiation

This session is designed to help you improve your sales and negotiation skills. Women often feel insecure when it comes to selling and negotiating. We second guess ourselves, give away too much and or avoid uncomfortable sales and negotiation conversations all together. These skills are valuable and much needed when it comes to personal and career empowerment. Saying no and being prepared to walk away takes courage. Win win scenarios are preferable but sometimes are not possible. These sessions will enable you to explore your strengths and weaknesses and help you bridge the gaps.

Finding Your Unique Style

This session is run by a Personal Stylist and Image Consultant, Moana Robinson. Her philosophy incorporates working with you from the inside out. It’s one thing to choose outfits that look great, but that’s only a small part of the picture. Once you become fully aware of your authentic, radiant, passionate self, you will always feel beautiful – whatever you wear. These sessions are designed to empower you to feel and look great. Learn how to unleash more of your authentic self and translate that into your unique personal style in a safe, fun and empowering group environment. Your true value comes from your uniqueness.

Help Grow the Membership Brainstorming and Planning

This session is for all members if you are inspired to earn a passive income from She Simply Impacts. Would you love to earn an extra four thousand Australian dollars per month? Plus, help reach our target of donating 24 million annually to charities supporting underprivileged women and children. The outcomes for the session are to clarify your own personal goals, brainstorm ideas for marketing, hear from others what has worked and not worked, gain inspiration and momentum, declare your intentions for action taking and receive support and accountability. These sessions are designed to be fun, creative and facilitate connection and community. They will be recorded for your review if you are inspired, but not able to attend.

PR and Mass Media Marketing

Publicity and mass media marketing are imperative skills to leverage your visibility and showcase your personal and business brand. Come to this session to gain strategies, inspiration and confidence to amplify and expand. Learn from experts who are successfully helping clients to get their message out there through media and mass marketing channels.

Time Management & Organisational Skills

Don’t feel you have enough time to get everything done? Come and explore ways to take the physical and mental load off so you can be more organised and make things run more smoothly. Learn planning and organising skills so you can create a daily schedule that works for you and is easy to stick to.


Story has power! It lights up the entire brain and engages those around us, regardless of their learning style or level of education. Throughout the course of time, sharing stories has been a proven method of teaching, mentoring, and connecting. Stories create community and reinforce culture and are a pivotal tool in creating a following, yet many people struggle to believe they have anything to share. Whether you are in business or not, you have a story worth sharing. Join this session and let’s work together to help you recognise and refine the stories you use in your life and business so they help you have the impact you desire.


Emerging is your new identity, building your vision, strategy, confidence and skills.